Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Kid Brought Home a... Kitten Part 2

So, last post I talked about kittens under 6 weeks and my experience with Salem. This time around, we will talk about my baby Oliver! Oliver came to me a few weeks after Salem and was around 6 weeks old. 

  • Make sure to save time for playing every day! They need this :)
  • If you do not want them to bite and scratch when they are older and playing, don't hand wrestle them when they are kittens
  • Use a variety of toys to enrich their lives
  • Be sure not to leave them alone with toys that have small parts
  • Kittens will be exploring everything at this age so kitty proof the room and keep a close eye on them! 

Housing Update!
  • At this point, kitty needs a more complicated set up
  • Be sure kitty has access to a litter box
  • Fresh water is provided
  • Food available
  • A place to sleep/hide
  • A scratching post
  • Toys

  •  If kitten has been given the ok by the vet, you can start introducing them to your other pets
  • If you have other cats, start slow
  • In the beginning, let cats smell each other through a door
  • Eventually let them interact through a cage or supervised in a neutral territory
  • Take baby steps
  • It takes some cats longer than others!
  • Keep toys and bowls separate so neither feels threatened  
  • Feliway plug in can help ease tensions
Oliver and Salem did NOT get along at first! Salem was insanely jealous and would growl constantly. When they finally got to interact and play, Salem was such a bully! I was so worried and then one day, out of nowhere, Oliver whipped around and jumped on Salem's head. From that moment on, they were friends.  


  • These early weeks/months are absolutely vital to kitten development
  • Once kitten is weaned, be sure to provide quality food... best if they don't contain grains. Kittens need protein.
  • Make sure kittens are getting dewormer and shots on time. 
  • Test for feline leukemia before letting kitten interact with other pets- from what I understand, it can take up to a couple weeks to test positive. 
  • Get kitty fixed around 6 months... DO NOT PUT THIS OFF!!!!!! I made the terrible mistake of waiting a few months past for Salem and regretted it sooo much when he began to spray everything!
  • Remember to always stay positive with your kitten and do not break it's trust
  • Cats DO NOT understand punishment 

Anyway, there are so many details that go in to raising kittens! Feel free to ask if you have any questions :) Good luck!

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