Monday, March 14, 2016

Cats and their Litter Boxes

Cats can be funny creatures... just look at Salem. He and my other kitty, Oliver make my life a lot more interesting! However, when cats have litter box problems, they can make your life a lot harder too. Awhile ago, Salem started spraying everything. It was absolutely horrible. However, in trying to solve the problem, I learned a lot about cats that has helped me be a better owner (slave).

Lesson 1. Get your cats fixed ASAP! If kitties don't get fixed before they mature to a certain point, they are much more likely to spray and once they do, they may not want to stop. Try and get Kitty fixed around the six month point.

Lesson 2. Make sure the litter box meets Kitty's standards... Cats prefer a litter box that is private, spacious, and clean. It needs to be out of the way, have enough space to turn around and kick (rubbermaid boxes with holes cut work great), and be kept as clean as possible. I have to scoop AT LEAST once a day for my cats to be happy. You wouldn't like to use a bathroom with poop and urine everywhere and neither do they. If it isn't clean enough for Oliver's liking, he will look me in the eye and squat on the carpet right outside the box. Always remember to have one box more than the number of cats you have.
Lesson 3. The litter is pretty important too. Did you know that you might be contributing to asthma, lung distress, and other health issues of your cat and anyone who lives in your house? It is not at all good for the health of your cat or you to use a clay litter. The clay dust is honestly nothing to mess with. Much better choices exist and they are much easier to clean and work with too. I have used two I liked in particular, Blue Buffalo's walnut based litter and Swheat Scoop. I really liked the Blue Buffalo at first, but my cats liked Swheat Scoop much better. It was lighter, cheaper, and I liked the smell so that is what we use. In order to attract them back to the box, I did use the clay based Cat Attract litter, which they loved. I quickly transitioned to the other litters though after it did its job.
*Update: if you use Swheat Scoop, World's Best, or chick feed be aware that a certain type of mold can develop in corn based materials. Make sure you clean the whole box well routinely so you and your pets aren't getting sick.

Lesson 4. Less stress = less inappropriate elimination. I now also use a Feliway plug-in to help reduce stress on my kitties. It is sort of expensive, but honestly, trying to clean up after a spraying cat/ trying to find a new apartment is a lot more expensive so it was definitely worth it to help my boys calm down. * Update: I have also used the Sentry Calming Collar which I like but it is not a break away collar so be cautious. Adding more territory and enrichment will also help reduce stress. More climbing opportunities, windows with bird feeders to entertain them, a variety of perches and bed to hold scent etc.

*UPDATED LESSON 5: Feed them good food! Litter box issues often come from urinary problems which can be the result of feeding dry food or poor quality food. I did not use wet food for a long time because it can be so expensive and I have four cats. Then, Salem developed crystals and it would've been worth it to avoid that experience! Now they get wet food in the morning and frozen raw food at night. Sometimes we mix in water and some healthy dry kibble or use a cheaper brand of cat food to help the best stuff last a little longer. The more moisture you can include in their diet, the better. It is worth the extra money to avoid chronic problems and surgery.

In conclusion, if your baby is having bathroom problems, isn't using the box, etc, do some research because there may be an easy fix if you take the time to learn about your cat and their behavior. Hope this helps!

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