Monday, March 21, 2016

Partners in Crime: Social Animals

It Takes Two
While some animals will be totally fine kept singly, some can only thrive when provided with a friend! Today I am going to mention some of the pets I believe you should get multiple of or at least a pair.

Gerbils are very social and do well when in pairs provided there is enough space. They do best if from the same litter, but you can also follow a process to introduce a pair. Watch out for declanning though- this is when a group begins to fight and it can end in death, so know the signs! (*Also do not have a crappy cage like the one I had in the pictures. Provide lots of space, burrowing material, safe solid wheel for running etc.

Mice are highly social creatures. While some male mice may fight if not brought up together from a very young age or neutered, I believe you should always try to keep female mice in pairs or groups! They are so much happier this way.

Rats need one another. Unless a strange situation presents itself and the rat cannot be housed with others for some reason, always buy more than one rat. Rats become very depressed and lonely if they are by themselves. Often, when it's cage mate dies, the second rat will die within a few weeks. Rats are a commitment and without another rat friend, a single rat would need to be out with it's owner for several hours daily. Even this, however, cannot replace having a mate in the cage with him when you are away. Don't be cruel and selfish- get two.

Guinea Pigs
This is another animal people constantly try to buy alone. Don't do it! Buy her a friend! I know that guinea pigs can be expensive, but if you cannot care for them correctly or provide for their needs, choose a different pet or no pet at all. It is important for their mental and overall well-being.

While many people only have one rabbit, they actually do far better in pairs in most cases!

Chinchilla Pet Animal - Free photo on Pixabay
Chinchillas should also be kept in pairs. A pair will be much less likely to get depressed or develop problems.

Hermit Crabs
These are highly social little critters! Please be sure to get your buddy a friend if thinking of getting one. They are happiest and healthiest when living in groups. In the wild, they often stick together and lay in clumps.

Finches are very social birds and should not be kept singly. They may develop behavior problems if kept alone. Please purchase a pair if you decide these are the pets for you.

I'm sure I've missed some, but these are some of the more common pets that do better if they are not kept alone. :)

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